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Scientific Outputs: Journals' Ppublications; Conference Proceedings; Scientific and Technical Reports


    Publications in peer reviewed Journals:

    • Oliveira, D. and Mendes, I. 2017.  Competitiveness and Green Taxation. The Impact ISP Impact on the Road Sector. International Journal of Energy Economics and Policy, 7(1), 178-184.
    • Oliveira, F.,Pintassilgo, P., Pinto, P., Mendes, I., Silva, J. A.. 2016. Segmenting visitors based on willingness to pay for recreational benefits: the case of Leiria National Forest. Tourism Economics, doi: 10.5367/te.2015.0526I (12);
    • Mendes, I. 2015. Tackling the Multidimensional Characteristics of Archaeological Heritage with Preference Based Approaches . International Journal of Latest Trends in Financial and Economic Sciences, 5(4).
    • Mendes, I., Dias Sardinha, I., Milheiras, S. 2013. Methodological Issues for Estimating the Total Value of the Rehabilitation of Mining Fields: The Case of S. Domingos's  Mine. International Journal of Latest Trends in Financial and Economic Sciences, Vol 3 (4): pp 593 - 609.      
    • Mendes, I. and Proença, I. 2011. Measuring the Social Recreation Per-Day Net Benefit of the Wildlife Amenities of a National Park: A Count-Data Travel-Cost Approach. Environmental Management 48: pp 920-932.
    • Sardinha, I.D., Carolino, J., Mendes, I., and Matos, P.V. 2010. The Rehmine Research Project: the Threefold Value of São Domingos Abandoned Mine Rehabilitation in Southern Portugal. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, Risk Analysis VII & Brownfields V, Vol 141: pp 27-38.
    • Mendes, I. 2010. A theoretical economic model for choosing efficient wildfire suppression strategies.   Forest Policy Economics Volume 12, Issue 5, June 2010, Pages 323-329.
    • Oliveira, F., Pintassilgo, P., Mendes, I. & Silva, J.A.. 2010. Planning forest recreation - environmental economics instruments and the public participation. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment , Sustainable Tourism IV, Vol 139:pp 467-479.
    • Mendes I. 2006. Valuing Ecosystems. A Methodological Applying Approach . The ICFAI Journal of Environmental Economics, Vol I V (2 ) : p. 7-3.
    • Mendes, I. 2004. Pricing Recreation Use of National Parks for More Efficient Nature Conservation: an Application to the Portuguese Case. Environmental Research, Engineering and Management, 1(27): 129-133.
    • Mendes I. 2004. Economic Instruments for Environmental Management: the Portuguese Case.  G eoInova 9: 141 - 170 .
    • Mendes I. 2005. The Trade Liberalisation-Environment Trade-off: Can we speak of a happy marriage? Episteme January (13-14) : p.303. ISBN: 0874-0437.
    • Mendes I. 2003. Pricing Recreation Use of National Parks for More Efficient Nature Conservation: an Application to the Portuguese Case. Environmental Policy and Governance (former European Environment) 13 (5): 288 - 302.
    • Lima, M.A. and Mendes I. 2003. Competitiveness and Environment: The role of SADC. Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies (former Scandinavian Journal of Development Alternatives and Area Studies) 22 (3 and 4): 5-56. A former version was published as Working Paper in Bøås, M. and Stein, H. (Eds) 2000.  Working Paper 2000.1, SUM Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. 

    Conference Proceedings (Peer Reviewed):

    • Mendes, I. (forthcoming). Assessing the Social Value of Cultural Heritage Valorization Programs by a Contingent Valuation Approach: The case of Brinches and Sobreira de Cima. In Proceedings of the 5 th International Conference - Services for Culture, December 4-6 Herity Cultural Heritage Quality Management Recognition , under the patronage of UNESCO :  Basilica di Santa Croce, Florence, Italy.   
    • Mendes, I., Sardinha, I., and Milheiras, S.. 2011. Methodological Issues For Estimating the Total Value of the Rehabilitation of Mining Fields: The Case of S. Domingos. In Proceedings  of the 17th Congress of APDR/AECR, 5th Congress of Nature Conservation and Management, Gestão de Bens Comuns e Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável Bragança-Zamora, Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, pp 693-709: Bragança.ISBN 978-989-96353-2-6.
    • Mendes, I. 2010. Measuring the Social Recreation Per-Day Net Benefit of the Wildlife Amenities of a National Park: a Count-Data Travel Cost Approach. 69 th International Atlantic Economic Conference (IAES), 24-27 th March, Prague: Czech Republic.
    • Mendes, I. 2009. Economic Tools to Design Efficient Integrated Wildfire Fighting Management Strategies. In Manso, J.P. and Monteiro, J.D. (eds), Anales de Economía Aplicada pp 19-41. ASEPELT and Publicaciones Delta: Madrid.
    • Mendes, I. and Proença I. 2005. Estimating the Recreation Value of Ecosystems by Using a Travel Cost Method ApproachThe 11 th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference Proceedings, University of Tampere: Helsinquia.
    • Mendes, I. 2004. Economic Valuation as a Framework to Enforce Profit-Based Conservation Strategies for Natural Ecosystems: a Methodological Approach. In The 2004 International Sustainable Development Research Conference Proceedings. ERP Environment: West Yorkshire, UK.
    • Mendes, I. 2002. The Trade Liberalisation-Environment Trade-off: Can we speak of a happy marriage? The 5 th International Workshop on European Economy Conference Proceedings, November 22-23, 2003. Research Centre of European and International Economic Studies (Centro de Estudos de Economia Europeia e Internacional - CEDIN). ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal;
    • Mendes, I. 2002. Travel and On Site Recreation Time: an Empirical Approach to Value the Recreation Benefits of Peneda-Gerês National Park. In Work Time and Leisure Time: Dynamics and Convergence in Changing Contexts Conference Proceedings , October 16-18. The International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) and the Centre for Studies for Social Intervention (CISEP). ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal;
    • Mendes, I. 2002. The 5 th International Workshop on European Economy. Research Centre of European and International Economic Studies (Centro de Estudos de Economia Europeia e Internacional - CEDIN). November 22-23. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Mendes I. 2002. Economic Instruments for Efficient Nature Conservation Management: the User Pays Principle . In The 2002 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Conference. Conference Proceedings. ERP Environment. July 1-2. University of Leeds: Leeds, UK.


    • Raposo, R., Mendes, I., Dias Sardinha, I., Lopes, J. C., Coelho, M., Marques, R., Jerónimo,  H. (eds) (ongoing). Escritos em Homenagem a José Maria Carvalho Ferreira. Fundação Económicas, Edições Almedina.  
    • Mendes, I. ( ongoing). O Método do Custo de Viagem. Uma Técnica para Avaliar o Valor Monetário dos Ecossistemas na Auto-Produção de Serviços de Recreio ao Ar Livre. (The Travel Cost Method. A Technique to Assess the Monetary Value of Ecosystems   in the Self-Production of Nature Recreation Services) . Fundação Económicas, Edições Almedina.
    • Mendes, I. 1997. The Recreation Use Value of Protected Areas: an Application to the National Park Peneda-Gerês (O Valor de Recreio das Áreas Protegidas: uma Aplicação ao Parque Nacional da Peneda-Gerês). PhD Thesis. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I. 1988. Economic and Environment Interaction Models: the Portuguese Case (Modelos de Interacção de Economia e de Ambiente: o Caso Português). Master Dissertation. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon.


    Book Chapters (peer reviewed):

    •   Mendes, I. ( on going). Da Importância da Clarificação Conceptual dos Valores na Gestão dos Bens Culturais . In  Carvalho, C. F. Sustentabilidade, Terceiro Sector e Redes em Debate I. Escolar Editora: Lisboa.  
    • Mendes, I. 2016. O Conceito de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. In Carvalho, C. F. and Santos M. J. (eds). Perspectivas de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, pp 1-51. Escolar Editora: Lisboa.
    • Mendes, I. 2013. O Custo Económico do Risco dos Incêndios Florestais: Uma Metodologia de Avaliação. In Lopes, J., Santos, J., St'Aubyn, M., and Santos, S. (Eds). 2013. Essays in Honour of João Ferreira do Amaral, II Série, nº 23 Colecção Económicas, pp 499-538. Edições Almedina: Coimbra, Portugal.
    • Mendes, I. (2012). Economic Valuation as a Framework Incentive to Enforce Conservation. In  Sladonja, B. (ed), Protected Area Management,  InTech ISBN 980-953-307-448-6 DOI: 10.5772/50063.

    Conference Communications (with refereeing):

    • Oliveira, D. and Mendes, I. 2016. Competitiveness and Green Taxes. The ISP Impacts on the National Energy Industry (Competitividade e Impostos Verdes. Impacte do ISP no Sector Nacional dos Combustíveis Rodoviários). 17th Global Conference on Environmental Taxation -  Smart Instrument Mixes in a greening Economy, September 22-23, Globalisation Studies Groningen (GSG), GCET Conferences, Groningen University: Groningen, The Netherlands.
    • Mendes, I. 2016. Assessing the Expected Value of a Mine Rehabilitation Project for Cultural Purposes as an Incentive for Local Sustainable Development: a Contingent Valuation Approach ASEPELT 2016 Valência, 30 th International Congress on Applied Economics, 30 th June - 2 nd July: Valência.
    • Mendes, I. 2016.  PES Based Incentives to Forestry Management (Incentivos do tipo PES para a Gestão da Floresta Mediterrânica) .  1 st CSG Research Forum (1º Forum de Investigação CSG), 15 th March. CSG Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Gestão, ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, Lisbon University. 
    • Mendes, I. 2016. Culture, Values and Management . Workshop Sustentabilidade, Terceiro Sector e Redes, 1. Linha de Investigação DSTR, SOCIUS Centro de Investigação em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações, 2nd February. ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon. Also Member of the Scientific Board.
    • Dias Sardinha, I., Mendes, I. Milheiras, S., Craveiro, D., Verga, P.. 2015. Contribute to estimate the sustainability values potentially induced by the redevelopment of rural brownfields with low market attractiveness: the case of S. Domingos Mine, Portugal. In RN12S20 - Corporate Social Responsibility and the Circular Economy, 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association-Differences, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination, Prague 25/28th August 2015.
    • Mendes, I. 2014. Assessing the Social Value of Cultural Heritage Valorization Prog ra ms by a Contingent Valuation Approach: The case of Brinches and Sobreira de Cima. Herity 5th International Conference, Services for Culture, December 4-6 Basilica di Santa Croce.
    • Mendes, I. 2014. A Natureza Multi-Dimensional e Multi-Usos dos Bens Culturais e Gestão Cultural (The Multi-Dimensional Nature of Cultural Goods and Cultural Management). CRIARS,  3º Congresso Ibero-Americano de Responsabilidade Social, 20-22 Novembro 2014.  SIOCIUS ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I., Silva, J. and Coelho M.,2014. The Social Value of Cultural Heritage Valorization Programs: a Contingent Valuation Approach. XL Regional Studies Meeting, Financing and the Role of the Regions and Towns in Economic Recovery, 20 - 21 de November, AECR - La Riqueza de las Regiones, Facultad de Economía y Empresa de Zaragoza, Zaragoza.  
    • Mendes, I. and Coelho M. 2014. The Economic Value of Cultural Heritage Valorization Programs: a Contingent Valuation Approach: The case of Brinches and Sobreira de Cima . 20th APDR Congress University of Évora, Évora (Portugal), 10-11 July 2014.
    • Mendes, I. 2014. What Values Should Count to Managing Culture? An Economic Perspective (Que Valores devem ser considerados nas Decisões de Política Cultural? Uma Abordagem Económica . Lecturer presented (by invitation) at the 9as Jornadas de Gestão do Património: o Ambiente e a Sociedade na Crise Territorial, 22th May, in the Instituto Politécnico de Tomar: Tomar.  
    • Mendes, I. and Coelho, M. 2014. O Valor Social de Programas de Valorização do Património Cultural: o Caso de Brinches e Sobreira de Cima. 12nd Colóquio ERA Arqueologia - partnership with SOCIUS, under the project Retorno Socio-Económico de Programas de Minimização de Impactes.   ISEG: Lisboa.
    • Matias, F., Pintassilgo, P., Mendes, M. I., Silva, J. A., Valle, P. O. 2014. Segmenting Visitors based on Willingness to Pay f or Recreational Benefits: The Case of Leiria National Forest.   1st International Conference on Applied Methods in Social Sciences: "The Multidimensional Aspects of Spatial Analyses" IMASS Methods and Analysis in Social Sciences, 23-24 April 2014, Olhão, Portugal.
    • Mendes, I., Silva, J., Marques, M. Sardinha, I.. 2014. The Social Value of Mine Rehabilitation Programs for Miner Industrial Tourism: a Contingent Valuation Empirical Application. The Welfare State in Portugal in the Age of Austerity Conference 9 th/10 th May 2014, ISEG Lisboa School of Economics and Management, and ISCSP Instituto Superior de Ciências Políticas e Sociais, Universidade de Lisboa:  Lisboa.
    • Mendes, I., Silva, J., Marques, M. Sardinha, I. 2013. The Social Value of Mine's Rehabilitation for Cultural Tourism. An Application of a CV Approach to the Case of S. Domingos Mine. 53rd ERSA Congress Regional Integration: Europe, the Mediterranean and the World Economy 27-31 August, Palermo: Italy.
    • Pintassilgo, P., Mendes, I., Fernanda, O., Albino, J. 2013. Segmenting Visitors Based on Willingness to Pay for Recreational Benefits: The Case of Leiria National Forest . IATE 2013 International Association for Tourism Economics International Conference 1-4 July, University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Economics, Ljubljana: Slovenia.
    • Mendes, I., 2013. Social-Economic Value of a SDM's Rehabilitation Program for Cultural Tourism . Seminar of the REHMINE Project (PTDC/AAC-AMB/103907/2008), , June 11 th, ISEG: Lisbon;
    • Mendes, I. 2013. Reflexões sobre a operacionalização sustentada do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável.  Workshop Desenvolvimento Sustentável, Terceiro Sector e Redes Sociais, 3th July. SOCIUS, ISEG, University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I., Sardinha, I., Milheiras, S. 2012. Methodological Issues for Estimating the Total Economic Value of the Rehabilitation of Mining fields: the Case of S. Domingos. International Colloquium Sustain.Ability Goes Sustain.Action. 3 rd - 4 th April, SOCIUS, ISEG, University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, Isabel, Sardinha, Idalina Dias, and Milheiras, Sérgio 2011. Methodological Issues For Estimating the Total Value of the Rehabilitation of Mining Fields: The Case of S.Domingos. 51 st European Congress of the Regional Science Association International/37 th Spanish Regional Science Association Conference.  Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain. Also Chair person in Sustainability Issues session.
    • Mendes, Isabel, Sardinha, Idalina Dias, and Milheiras, Sérgio 2011. Methodological Issues For Estimating the Total Value of the Rehabilitation of Mining Fields: The Case of S. Domingos. 17th Congress of APDR/AECR and 5th Congress of Nature Conservation and Management, Gestão de Bens Comuns e Desenvolvimento Regional Sustentável Bragança-Zamora,   Instituto Politécnico de Bragança.
    • Mendes, I. , Sardinha, Idalina Dias, and Milheiras, S. 2011. The Social and Economic Value of Abandoned Mine Rehabilitation Projects: the Case of S. Domingos Mine. 71st International Atlantic Economic Conference
      16-19 March, Athens,Greece.
    • Mendes, I., Sardinha, I., and Milheiras, S.. 2010. Stakeholders mapping and Nature of Tthreefold Value Generation's Exploration, Associated with the Rrehabilitation Project of S. Domingos Portuguese Abandoned Mine.  Brownfields 2010: Fifth International Conference on Prevention, Assessment, Rehabilitation and Development of Brownfields Sites.14 to 16 September Carvoeiro, Algarve: Portugal.
    • Oliveira, F., Pintassilgo, P., Mendes, I. & Silva, J.A. 2010. Planning forest recreation - environmental economics instruments and the public participation. Fourth International Conference on Sustainable Tourism, 5 - 7 July 2010, New Forest: UK.
    • Mendes, I. 2010. Measuring the Social Recreation Per-Day Net Benefit of the Wildlife Amenities of a National Park: a Count-Data Travel Cost Approach. 69 th International Atlantic Economic Conference (IAES), 24-27 th March, Prague: Czech Republic.
    • Mendes, I. 2010. Valorização da Natureza?! Seminário de Formação Avançada do Programa de Doutoramento em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações, financiado pela FCT pelo Programa FCT/POCTI, parcialmente financiado pelo FEDER. SOCIUS/ISEG, 13 de Janeiro, ISEG: Lisboa.
    • 2009 (with Fernanda Oliveira, Pedro Pintassilgo e João Albino Silva). 1º Congresso Regional do Desenvolvimento de Cabo Verde, 15º Congresso da APDR (Associação Portuguesa de Desenvolvimento Regional), 10th-11th July, Cidade da Praia: Cabo Verde.
    • Mendes, I. 2009. Economic Tools to Design Efficient Wildfire Suppression Integrated Management Strategies. 23rd International Congress of Applied Economics - ASEPELT 2009 , 17 a 20 de Junho: Covilhã, Portugal.
    • Mendes, I. 2009. Economic Tools to Design Efficient Integrated Wildfire Suppression Management Strategies. EBES (Eurasia Business and Economics Society) Conference, June 1-2: Istanbul
    • Mendes, I.. 2008. Economic Tools to Design Efficient Integrated Wildfire Fighting Management Strategies . 15th Annual International Conference on A dvances in Management and 1 st International Conference on Social Intelligence, July 16-19, Centre for Advanced Studies in Management: Boston.
    • Silva, C., Mendes, I., and Andrade, F., 2007. Um Acordo Voluntário para a Conservação e Gestão da População de Roazes (Tursiops truncatus) do Estuário do Sado. Tese de Mestrado em Ciências e Tecnologias do Ambiente - ICAT, Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa, UL. Poster apresentado no 1º Seminário sobre Conservação e Gestão de Zonas Húmidas e 3º Seminário sobre Sistemas lagunares Costeiros. Escola Superior de Tecnologia do Mar: Peniche.
    • Mendes, I and Proença, I. 2006. Measuring the Average Per-Day Net Benefit of Non-consumptive Wildlife-Associated Recreation for a National Park: a Count-Data Travel Cost Approach. AERE 3 rd World Congress, 3 - 7 July, Kyoto: Japan. Chair person in the Protected Areas and Parks Session.
    • Mendes, I and Proença, I.. 2006. Measuring the Average Per-Day Net Benefit of Non-consumptive Wildlife-Associated Recreation for a National Park: a Count-Data Travel Cost Approach.ECOMOD, 1 - 3 June, Brussels.
    • Mendes, I and Proença, I.. 2005. Measuring the Average Per-Day Net Benefit of Non-consumptive Wildlife-Associated Recreation for a National Park: a Count-Data Travel Cost Approach. 11 th Annual International Sustainable Development Research Conference. June 6-8. University of Tampere, The Research Institute for Social Sciences: Helsinquia.
    • Mendes, I and Proença, I.. 2005. Estimating THE Recreation Value of Ecosystems by Using a Travel Cost Approach. Permanent Seminar of the Department of Economics, May 24. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I. 2004.  Economic Valuation as a Framework Incentive to Enforce Profit-Based Conservation Strategies for Natural Ecosystems. The 8 TH Biennial Scientific Conference. International Society for the Ecological Economics (ISEE). July 11-14. Palais des Congrès/Montréal Convention Centre: Montréal, Canada.
    • Mendes, I. 2004. Valuing Ecosystems - a Methodological Applying Approach.  Permanent Seminar of the Department of Economics, May 11. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, 2004. Economic Valuation as a Framework Incentive to Enforce Profit-Based Conservation Strategies for Natural Ecosystems . The 29-30th March ERP Environment's International Sustainable Development Research Conference. University of Manchester: Manchester , UK.
    • Mendes, I. 2004. Global Dialogue : The New Age Civilisation of the 3 rd Millenium: the age of global co-operation and symbiotical relationships theme. Earth Community Organisation (ECO) - the Global Community. Leader of workshop sessions.
    • Mendes, I. 2004. Economic Growth, Natural Resources and Environment Workshop. The Cabinet of Economic History and Sociology (Gabinete de História Económica e Social - GHES). January 21 st. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal.
    • 2003. International Conference on Sustainability Indicators and Intelligent Decisions - SIID. Baltic Ecological Information Dissemination System (BEIDS)/National Commission on Sustainable Development of Lithuania (NCSD)/Institute of Geology and Geography. October 9 - 12: Vilnius, Lithuania.
    • 2003. Seminar of the Department of Economics. April. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Mendes, I. 2002. The 5 th International Workshop on European Economy. Research Centre of European and International Economic Studies (Centro de Estudos de Economia Europeia e Internacional - CEDIN). November 22-23. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Mendes, I. 2002. Work Time and Leisure Time: Dynamics and Convergence in Changing Contexts . The International Association for Time Use Research (IATUR) and the Centre for Studies for Social Intervention (CISEP) Conference. October 16-18. ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Mendes, I. 2002. Economic Valuation as a Framework Incentive to Enforce Profit-Based Conservation Strategies for Natural Ecosystems. The 2002 Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management Conference. ERP Environment. July 1-2. University of Leeds: Leeds, UK.
    • Mendes, I. 2001. The 4 th Meeting of the Portuguese Common Language Economists. Portuguese Common Language Economists (Economistas de Língua Portuguesa). March. Universidade de Évora: Évora, Portugal.
    • Coelho, M.P. and Mendes, I.. 2001. Regional Development Strategy for East-Timor. In Strategic Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of Timor Lorosae. 2 nd workshop Conference Proceedings. March. GERTIL - Architecture Faculty, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon, Portugal.
    • Lima, A. and Mendes, I. 1998. Competitiveness and the Environment. The Role of the SADC. 41 st meeting of the African Studies Association. November: Chicago, Illinois, USA. (presented by Lima, A.).


     Working Papers:

    • Mendes, I. ( ongoing ). Avaliação Monetária dos Custos Sociais dos Incêndios Florestais - Ensaio para o caso português. Repec Working Papers. ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I., Silva, J., Marques, M., Sardinha, I. (ongoing). The Social Value of Mine's Rehabilitation for Cultural Tourism. An Application of a CV Approach to the Case of S. Domingos Mine. Repec Working Papers. ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I. 2016. Assessing the Values of Archaeological Heritage . Repec Working Papers, WP022016DESOCIUS. ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I. 2013. Mining Rehabilitation Planning, Mining Heritage Tourism, Benefits and Contingent Valuation. Repec Working Papers, WP032013, Socius (Socio-Economics Research Centre), ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I. and Proença, I. 2009. Measuring the Social Recreation Per-Day Net Benefit of Wildlife Amenities of a National Park: a Count Data Travel Cost Approach . Repec Working Papers, WP35/2009/DE/SOCIUS, Department of Economics, ISEG, Technical University of Lisbon: Lisbon.
    • Mendes, I. 2008. Economic Tools to Design Efficient Integrated Wildfire Fighting Management Strategies.   Working Papers Department of Economics 2008/48. ISEG - School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, University of Lisbon.
    • Isabel Mendes & Isabel Proença, 2005. Estimating the Recreation Value of Ecosystems by Using a Travel Cost Method Approach. Working Papers Department of Economics 2005/08, ISEG - School of Economics and Management, Department of Economics, University of Lisbon.
    • Lima, M.A. and Mendes I. 2003. Competitiveness and Environment: The role of SADC. In Bøäs, M. and Howard, S. (eds). Trade, Competitiveness, Regional Arrangements and the Environment: a Political Economy Approach, working paper 200.1. Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo: Oslo.
    • Mendes. I. 1999. A Globalização, a Competitividade e o Ambiente. Cadernos de Economia, Junho: Lisboa.

     Scientific and Technical Reports:

    • Mendes, I. 2014. Assessing the Social-Economic Value of a Valorization Program for the Knowledge Collected by Rescue Archaeological Activities at Brinches and Sobreira de Cima: a Preference- Based Methodology - Part 1 . Final Report of Task 9 - The Total Economic Value of the Materialization of Archaeological Inheritance, of the Research Project Práticas funerárias da Pré-História Recente no Baixo Alentejo e retorno socioeconómico de programas de salvamento patrimonial.  
    •   Mendes, I. and Coelho, M. 2014. The Total Economic Value of the Materialization of Archaeological Inheritance Part 2 . Final Report of Task 9 - The Total Economic Value of the Materialization of Archaeological Inheritance, of the Research Project Práticas funerárias da Pré-História Recente no Baixo Alentejo e retorno socioeconómico de programas de salvamento patrimonial.   
    • Mendes, I., Silva, J. da, Marques, M. and Sardinha,  I. 2013. Assessing the Value of Mining Rehabilitation for Cu ltural Tourism. An application of a CV approach to the case of S. Domingos Mine: Survey Design and Implementation . Final Report of Task 5 - Quantitative and Qualitative Benefits of Mine Rehabilitation Programs with Tourism Purposes, in Research Project Contribution of Social Responsibility to Sustainable Development (Contribuição da Responsabilidade Social para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável ) PTDC/AAC-AMB/103907/2008 funded by FCT (Classification: Excellent).SOCIUS Research Center in Economic and Organizational Sociology and ADVANCE Advanced Research in Management. ISEG Lisbon School of Economics and Management, University of Lisbon.
    •   Mendes, I. 2007. Fogos Florestais: Avaliação de Riscos e Danos Económicos e Ambientais. Final Report under the project Fogos Florestais: Factores de Risco Associados a Danos Económicos e Ambientais ( Forest Fires: Environmental and Economic Risk Factors), coordinated by Paulo Ferrão (Technical University of Lisbon), with the participation of Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) and Instituto Superior de Agronomia (ISA).
    •   Coelho, M. P., Mendes, I., and Coelho, T. 2001. Relatório - Plano Estratégico de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento de Timor Lorosae. Final Report under the Project Plano Estratégico de Reconstrução e Desenvolvimento de Timor Lorosae. Grupo de Estudos de Reconstrução Timor Lorosae - GERTIL Centro de Investigações Regionais e Urbanas (CIRIUS), ISEG, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa: Lisboa.
    • Mendes, I. 2001-2002. Technical reports eleborated under the project Plano Estratégico para o Desenvolvimento da Península de Setúbal - Ambiente e Recursos Naturais PEDEPES: Part 1 - Caracterização; Diagnóstico Prospectivo; Estratégia de Desenvolvimento; Medidas Estruturantes.  ISEG and Associação de Municípios do Distrito de Setúbal.