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    Crespo, C. "Determinants, Moderating Effects and Consequences of Intra-Multinational Corporations Knowledge Inflows", XXIV Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Cíentifca, ESTG, Instituto Politecnico de Leiria, Leiria, Portugal, (6 - 8 February). ISBN: 978-972-8793-66-1.


    Crespo, C., Crespo, N. e Roxo, E. "Assessing the Impact Country-of-origin on Buyers Perceptions", EIBA 2014, Uppsala, Sweden, (11-13 December).


    Crespo, C., Crespo, N. e Roxo, E. "Country-of-origin as a Stereotype: Effects on B2B Buyers Evaluations and Perceptions", 10th Iberian International Busines Conference (IIBC2014), Zaragoza, Spain, (26-27 September).


    Crespo, C., Crespo, N. e Roxo, E. "The Country-of-origin Impact in the Portuguese Footwear Industry", 1st International Congress on Branding, ESTG, Leiria, Portugal, (2 - 4 October).


    Crespo, N., Simões, V. e Fontes, M. "A Process View of new Ventures Internationalization: Capabilities, Alertnessa nd the Moderating Role of Technological Turbulence", 40th European International Business Academy 2014 Conference, Uppsala, Uppsala University, Sweden, (11-13 December).


    Crespo, N., Simões, V. e Fontes, M. "A Process View of new Ventures Internationalization: Capabilities, Alertnessa nd the Moderating Role of Technological Turbulence", Academy of International Business 2014 Conference Vancouver, Beedie School of Business, Simon Frazer University, Canada, (23-26 June). ISSN 2078-0435.


    Crespo, N., Simões, V. e Fontes, M. "A Process View of new Ventures Internationalization: Capabilities, Alertnessa nd the Moderating Role of Technological Turbulence", Conference on International Entrepreneurship, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, (21-23 May).


    Crespo, N., Simões, V. e Fontes, M. "Innovation and Flexibilty Strategies: The Pavements that Link International new Ventures Resources to Performance", XXIV Jornadas Luso-Espanholas de Gestão Cíentificas - ESTG, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, (6-8 February). ISBN: 978-972-8793-66-1.


    Felício, J. "Corporate and individual global mindset and the internationalization of European SMEs", Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management  Conference (GEIM 2014), College of Management, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan, (May 14-15).


    Felício, J., "Effect of organizational factors, and clients' motivation on performance of insurance companies", The 2nd Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA 2014), Valencia, Spain, (9-11 July).


    Gonçalves, H. e Viegas, A., "Explaining consumer use of renewable energy: determinants, and gender and age moderator effects", 2014 Global Marketing Conference at Singapore Bridging Asia and the World: Globalization of Marketing & Management Theory and Practice, Singapore, 2014. ISBN: 1976-8699,


    Lacerda, T., "The Corporate Purpose of Value Creation for Society: Revisiting the Theoretical Foundations", Paper presented at EURAM'14 Conference Waves and Winds of Strategic Leadership for Sustainable Competitiveness, Valencia, Spain, (4-6 June).


    Proença, J. e Casais, B. (2014), "Are threat appeals more popular than positives in social advertising?", Proceedings of the 2014 ICORIA-International Conference on Research in Advertising, Amsterdam, Netherlands (26 -28 June).


    Proença, J. e Casais, B. (2014), "Communicating the Prevention of a Stigmatised Disease: A Macromarketing Perspective", Proceedings of the 39th Annual Macromarketing Conference,  London, UK: 133-139, (1-5 July). ISSN 2168-1481.


    Proença, J. e Casais, B. (2014), "The Gap between Theory and Practice in Social Marketing: A Research about the use of Positive and Negative Appeals in European Television Advertising Preventing HIV/AIDS", Proceedings of the 39th Annual Macromarketing Conference, London, United Kingdom, UK: 446-479, (1-5 July). ISSN 2168-1481.


    Proença, J. e Ferreira, M. (2014), "Strategic Planning and Organizational Effectiveness in Social Service Organizations in Portugal", Proceedings of the 13th International Congress of the International Association on Public and Nonprofit Marketing (IAPNM), , University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia, (12-14 June).


    Proença, J., Ferreira, F., Spencer, R. e Cova, B. (2014), "Network Dynamics in Solution Business: Stages of Relationship among Firms", Proceedings of the 30th IMP Annual Conference 2014, KEDGE Business School and EM Lyon, Bordeaux, France, (3-6 September).


    Proença, J. e Soares,  R. (2014), "Service recovery paradox: customers' response to compensation, speed and apology", Proceedings of the 5th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM5) - Service Imperatives in the new Economy: Future Directions in Service Research, Service Education Research and Innovation (SERI) Ohio, USA & University of Tartu, , Parnu College, Estonia, (8-12 June). ISSN 1694-0938.


    Proença, J. e Soares, l R. (2014), "The impact of service failure severity on post-recovery behavior: the moderating role of gender and relationship age", Proceedings of the 23rd International Business Information Management Conference (IBIMA) on vision 2020: Sustainable Growth, Economic Development, and Global Competitiveness, Valencia, Spain, (13-14 May). Proceedings indexados: ISI Conf. Proocedings e SCOPUS.


    Proença, J. e Soares, R. (2014), "Who is complaining and repurchasing? The role of demographic characteristics", Proceedings of The 5th International Research Symposium in Service Management (IRSSM5): Service Imperatives in the new Economy-Future Directions in Service Research, Service Education Research and Innovation (SERI) Ohio, USA & University of Tartu, , Parnu College, Estonia, (8-12 June) ISSN 1694-0938.


    Proença, J., Soares, R. e Kannan, P. (2014), "The Service Recovery Paradox in a Call-Center Context: Compensation and Timeliness in Recovering Mobile Customers", paper published in the Proceedings of the 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-47) - Track of Service Science, Management and Engineering (SSME), , , Hawaii, USA, 5-6 January). ISSN: 15301605; ISBN: 978-147992504-9). ( ). DOI: 10.1109/HICSS.2014.1; IEEE Computer Society 2014, HICSS.2014.168 Proceedings indexados: ISI Conf. Proocedings e SCOPUS.


    Rodrigues, F., Veloso, A. & Gomes, J. S. (2014). "The Influence of HRM on Innovative Behaviour: A Study in the Health-care Sector", The British Academy of Management Annual Meeting (BAM), Belfast, Northern-Ireland, (9-11 September).


    Santos, J. "Horizontal Relationships in Industrial Networks: A Study of Strategic Alliances in Portuguese Pharmaceutical Industry", 30th Annual IMP Conference - Doctoral colloquium, Bordéus, France.


    Santos, J. & Baptista C. "Horizontal Relationships Development: Theoretical Model on Strategic Alliance Progress", 30th Annual IMP Conference, Bordéus, France.


    Santos, J. & Baptista C. "Interaction Processes in Horizontal Relationships - Towards a model for analyzing strategic alliances". The IMP Journal Seminar, Milan, Italy.


    Simões, V., Rocha, Â., Carneiro, J. e Mello, R. (2014), "From Born Globals to Borderless Companies: Why and how to build worldwide value systems", Conferência da Academy of International Business, Vancouver, Canada, June.


    Simões, V., Rocha, Â., Carneiro, J. e Mello, R. (2014), "From Born Globals to Borderless Companies: Why and how to build worldwide value systems", Conferência da EIBA - European International Business Academy, Uppsala, Sweden, (11 -13  december).