O Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense (IFSul - Brasil) e a sua atuação nas áreas de Ensino, Pesquisa e Extensão (
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New Marketing Techniques for Customer Loyalty. Application of a Viral Communication System adapted to a Hotel Chain Loyalty Program Strategy (
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The Impact of Costumer Reference Marketing on Organizational Buying Behavior: Evidence from the Portuguese Energy Industry (
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Horizontal Relationships in Industrial Networks: A Study of Strategic Alliances in the Portuguese Pharmaceutical Industry (
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A Prática Estratégica em Micro e Pequenas Empresas Brasileiras: Uma Agenda para Novas Pesquisas (
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Twofold nature of social capital: benefits, threats and development opportunities (
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Modelos Teóricos-empiricos de Avaliação de Ativos Intangíveis (
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Disclosure of Income Taxes and Firm Value: A Cross Country Comparison of IFRS Adopters (
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As práticas de Governance das empresas nas associações mutualistas - especificidades, justificações e consequências: um possível modelo de equilíbrio ( Click here) Portofolio Insurance: Friend or Foe? (
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