Gestão Financeira II (2 º Sem 2016/2017)


Abril de 2017

Publicar Publicado em 20-04-2017

Midterm grades / Quiz 2 grades

Dear students,

The grades of the Midterm are already available on the seccion marks. The grades of the second quiz are also already available.

Feel free to communicate any problem that may exist.


Best regards,

GF2 Team

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: MIGUEL CHAPADO - Modificado em 20-04-2017 -

Publicar Publicado em 19-04-2017

Problem Set 2

The Problem Set 2 is available in Aquila.

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - De 19-04-2017 a 25-04-2017 - Autor: CARLOS MANUEL COSTA BASTARDO - Local: ISEG AQUILA - -

Publicar Publicado em 05-04-2017


Dear students,

The midterm test will occur on saturday (8th of April) and the test will have place on Salão Nobre in Quelhas and will begin at 12h00.

You should be at the room 10 minutes before the start of the test.


Best Regards,


GF2 Team

Canal: Gestão Financeira II - Autor: MIGUEL CHAPADO - Modificado em 05-04-2017 -