Inglês I (1 º Sem 2012/2013)


Janeiro de 2013

Publicar Publicado em 23-01-2013

Publicação de Notas

The final mark may differ from the exam mark (época normal) due to the weight of semester-based assessment or an oral exam. Consultation: Monday, 28 January. 14h30-15h30 Office 101 Quelhas 4.

Canal: Inglês I -

Publicar Publicado em 22-01-2013

Publicação de Notas

The final mark might not be the same as the exam mark due to the weighting of semester-based assessment. Students may check their exams on Wednesday, 23 January, 16-17h in office 101, Quelhas 4.

Canal: Inglês I -

Publicar Publicado em 21-01-2013

Oral exams for the "Epoca Normal"

Oral exams for English I will be held on Wednesday, 23 January in Office 1.1, Quelhas 4 at the following times:

9h David Trindade

9h20 Eduardo Júnior

9h40 Elísio Almeida

10h Fábio Lopes

10h20 Ferdinando Tomás

10h40 Filipe Santos

11h Francisco Martins

11h20 Manuel Fernandes

11h40 Manuel Mesquita

12h Salvador Silva

14h Sara Vasconcelos

14h20 Simon Wiederkehr

14h40 Sophia Malina

15h Stanislav Shapovalov


Canal: Inglês I - Autor: ANN CECELIA HENSHALL -

Publicar Publicado em 15-01-2013

Semester-based evaluation

The marks for the semester-based evaluation are available on Aquila in a file in the Evaluation notes section of the English 1 page. The exam on Thursday 17th will be in the library. Remember that you may use a dictionary in the exam but you may not borrow one or use any electronic devices. You will need to bring an exam paper to write on.

Oral exams for students who have no oral semester-based assesment will be held in the week 21-25 January. 

Canal: Inglês I - Autor: ANN CECELIA HENSHALL - Modificado em 15-01-2013 -