Econometria Financeira (2 º Sem 2019/2020)
EMF (Economia Monetária e Financeira) , MF (Mathematical Finance)
Publicado em 15-05-2020
Pre-Exam Grades
Dear students,
There are a couple of lessons to take from today's exam. I'm going to follow the suggestions you made at the end of the test. Please, during the final you should pay close attention to the times!
I've posted the grades, which take into consideration the two parts of the test and the files you scanned and sent. You can find the correct answers by looking at your tests and scores.
I'm sure next time, at the true exam, everybody will do much better.
All the best to you,
Canal: Econometria Financeira - Autor: NUNO PAULO DE SOUSA ARROBAS CRATO - Data de criação: 15-05-2020