Inglês I (1 º Sem 2011/2012)



Publicar Publicado em 17-01-2012

Publicação de Notas

Students may consult their papers in my office (309, Quelhas 4, above the restaurant9 on Wednesday, 18 January, from 10am -12am. Oral exams will be held in the same place in accordance with the notice placed on Monday, 16 January on the unit's communications web site on Aquila. The exam mark may not correspond with the final mark due to assessment component weightings. Semester-based marks are on the unit's site as well in the Evaluation Notes.

Ricardo Tavares, you are not on the register. You should contact the secretarial office to fix this.


Alice Bispo - 13h50

André Dias - 14h10

Bruno Antunes - 14h30

Micaela Courelas - 14h50

Filipe Quirino - 15h10

Miguel Neves - 15h30

Ricardo Ferreira - 15h50

Sílvia Andrade - 16h10

Canal: Inglês I - Modificado em: 17-01-2012 - Data de criação: 17-01-2012