Accounting I (2 º Sem 2019/2020)


Junho de 2020

Publicar Publicado em 22-06-2020

Additional exercises

Dear Students,

I have uploaded on AQUILA the following:

 - Solutions to Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the Simulation of the Exam (pdf files in folder SIMULATION)

 - Additional exercises for you to Practice further and respective solutions (pdf file in folder Additional Exercises for Exam)

At 3 pm. in the Accounting I group I will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding the exercises and the exam.

Study well!

Best regards,

Florence Pinto Basto


Publicar Publicado em 21-06-2020

Exam EN - final clarifications

Dear students,


Here go additional clarifications regarding the exam:


1. I will make available each part of the exam on AQUILA in an excel file (and not on a pdf file as in the simulation). To access de link available on the excel file, in some cases, you may need to: (i) press CTRL while you click on the link; or (ii) copy the link and paste it directly in your browser; or (iii) insert again your credentials (e-mail and password from ISEG) in order to open the link.

2. You may consult the course’s materials, such as notes, slides or practical cases. However, the time to answer each part of the exam is limited enough so as to minimize the consultation of the course’s materials by the students.

3. In Part 4 of the exam, you should provide an answer to the theoretical question that is an in-depth reflection on the topics under assessment. We expect you to provide a comprehensive answer in order to get full marks.

4. During the exam intervals, the students that were not yet identified should remain close to the computer, waiting to be called. Everyone needs to be identified as previously communicated.

5. After submission it is no longer possible to send new answers and/or change the answers previously submitted.

6. In case the student wishes to do a backup of the answers before submitting, this can be done by copying and pasting the answers to Wordprint screen or photograph. The student must make sure that the backup allows visualizing the student’s name (that is shown immediately before the first question) and the time (shown on the bottom right-hand side of the computer screen).

7. In case there is a problem with the submission, the student must provide proof of the error. This can be done by taking a print screen or a photograph the screen, so that both the error and the time shown on the computer screen are clearly visible. The proof of error in the submission together with the backup of your answers (if available) should be sent, immediately, to

Canal: Accounting I - Autor: FLORENCE MENDES CORREIA CARP PINTO BASTO - Modificado em 21-06-2020 -

Publicar Publicado em 15-06-2020

Exam EN instructions


Dear Students,


Regarding the regular period (EN) Accounting 1 exam, please read carefully the information below:


1. The exam will take place on June 23rd 2020 at 9 a.m.


2. Before starting the exam, you should log out other personal accounts that you may have (go to browser definitions), close the browser and log in with you ISEG account, so as to make sure that you can access Forms and submit the exam with the correct identity. Please be aware that the Safari browser has been showing some incompatibility with Forms, and therefore we recommend you use Edge, Edge Chromium, Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, by this order of preference.


3. According to the honor code commitment defined by ISEG, that you have all signed, each student will do the exam without resorting to other people or providing information to other people.


4. The exam is composed of 4 distinct parts. Each part is accessed through a link answered through MS Forms.


5. You should access the Teams group corresponding to your Practical Class at 8h40 a.m. sharp. You must access the group of the class you are officially enrolled in, which is:

Teams group name


CGE1-E E01 (Practical)


CGE1-E E11 (Practical)


CGE1-E E31 (Practical)



You must verify that you have access to these groups (they should automatically show on your teams’ list after you log in). In case you do not have access please contact me by e-mail as soon as possible so that I can add you to the group in due time thus avoiding any unnecessary stressful situation on the day of the exam.


6. The exam will have video-surveillance. This means that when you enter the meeting on Teams you should have both your camera and microphone switched on, and keep them switched on during the entire exam. Due to privacy issues, this is not mandatory. However, in case you choose not to have your camera and/or microphone switched on (or disable any of them during the course of the exam) you will be afterwards subject to an oral examination. In case your computer doesn’t have a camera enabled you may connect to Teams using your smartphone.


7. In case there is some background noise, the professor conducting the exam surveillance will disconnect the microphones. This should not be done directly by the students.


8. You should have with you: paper, a pen/pencil, a calculator and an identification document (showing your full name and a photograph).


9. The students’ identification begins at 8:45h a.m.: when hearing his/her name, the student should respond and exhibit his/her identification document to the camera to be validated. In case any of the students is not identified before the exam begins, due to lack of time, this will be done in the interval between each exam part. All students must be identified in order to avoid having the exam annulled.


10. The students’ identification stops at 8:55h a.m.: students should access the course’s page on AQUILA, and should remain at the same time on the group’s meeting on Teams. You should not access AQUILA before this time in order to avoid the AQUILA session being expired.


11. At 8:59h a.m., in a folder named “EXAM” on AQUILA, you will visualize a file named “PART 1” with the name of all of the students by alphabetical order. You should click on the link that is in front of your name. Answers provided based on a link that is different from the link indicated to each student will not be accepted.


12. The procedure in 11. will be repeated for each exam part. Therefore, in the “EXAM” folder, at the beginning of each exam part, the respective files will be made available (“PART 1”, “PART 2”, “PART 3” and “PART 4”). You will be able to visualize these files 1 minute before the beginning time of each exam part.


13. In case you have any difficulty accessing any part of the exam you should:

- Refresh the browser’s page;

- Go back on the browser’s page and try again;

- Exit AQUILA, log in again and retry;

- In case none of these attempts work, send an e-mail to attaching the print screen of the error that shows on screen.


14. The exam is composed of 4 independent parts. Between each exam part there will be a 10 minutes’ interval in order to rest and solve any issues that may arise.


15. The content, points and the time to answer regarding each exam part are the following:

Exam Part



Time to Answer

Part 1

5 “option questions”

5 points

15 minutes

Part 2

5 “open answer questions” (calculation)

5 points

20 minutes

Part 3

6 “open answer questions” (recordings)

6 points

25 minutes

Part 4

Trial Balance with “open answer questions” and theoretical question

4 points

20 minutes



16. The schedule for the different exam parts and intervals is the following:

9:00-9:15 – Part 1

9:15-9:25 – Interval

9:25-9:45 – Part 2

9:45-9:55 – Interval

9:55-10:20 – Part 3

10:20-10:30 - Interval

10:30-10:50 – Part 4


17. The beginning and end of each exam part (the opening and closing of the Forms) is done automatically and is not controlled by the professors conducting the exam surveillance.


18. The time to answer each exam part already takes into account the fact that you need to access the file on AQUILA that contains the link for each exam part.


19. You must keep track of time. The professors conducting the exam surveillance will warn students when there are only 5 minutes remaining, when there is only 1 minute remaining, and at the time the exam ends. This last warning means that the responsible professor will immediately disable responses for that exam part. In case the browser “freezes” you should refresh the page (key F5) until you get a confirmation of the submission.


20. The points attributed to each question will be indicated along with the question.


21. In Part 1, for the “option questions”, incorrect answers deduct ¼ of the points attributed to each question. This information will be indicated on the heading of Part 1. In case you do not wish to provide an answer to the question, you should choose the option “I do not wish to provide an answer to this question” that will be available as one of the options in each question.


22. In Part 2, for the “open answer questions” (calculation), you must show all of the calculations that justify your reasoning and indicate clearly what is your final answer. Answers that provide only the final result, without any calculations supporting the answer provided, will not be accepted even if the final result is correct.


23. In Part 3, for the “open answer questions” (recordings), there is no need to present the calculation of the amounts. You should use the following structure for the recordings: “Account title/name, (D) or (C), and Amount” (for example: write “Trade Accounts Receivable (C) 100, Cash (D) 100” for a recording where you credit Trade Accounts Receivable by 100 and debit Cash by 100).


24. In Part 4, the “open answer questions” are related to a Trial Balance. In case you are not able to visualize the Trial Balance it will be available on the “EXAM” folder on AQUILA (file “Trial Balance”).


25. There is no need to provide hand-written answers, uploads or to send any documents by e-mail. You should provide the answers to the exam on Forms, just like you did throughout the continuing evaluation.


26. After submitting each exam part, the student will receive, automatically, an e-mail confirming submission.


27. Any problem that arises during the exam should be communicated immediately to the professor in charge of the exam surveillance on Teams (use Teams private chat to communicate with the professor).


28. In case you wish to quit the exam you should send an e-mail to indicating you wish to quit the exam.


29. Only when the professor indicates that the meeting is over should you switch off your camera and leave the meeting on Teams.


We are aware of your difficulties and the challenges involved in online examinations. For this reason, we are doing our best to make sure everything goes well.

We wish you all the best!

The Accounting 1 team


Canal: Accounting I - Autor: FLORENCE MENDES CORREIA CARP PINTO BASTO - Modificado em 15-06-2020 -

Publicar Publicado em 09-06-2020

Regular period exam - SIMULATION SESSION

Dear Students,


I hope you are all doing well.


A simulation of the regular period Exam (Exame Época Normal) is scheduled for next Tuesday, June 16th, from 9h to 10h a.m, on the Accounting I group (the group we used for the theoretical classes) of Microsoft Teams.


The goal of this simulation is to get you acquainted with the procedures and structure of the exam and to clarify any doubts you may have.


In the meantime, I shall announce the Exam instructions which you should read carefully before the simulation session.


Good luck for your exams!


Florence Pinto Basto