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ISEG  >  Estrutura  >  Unidades Académicas  >  Gestão  >  Unidades Curriculares  >  Empirical Corporate Finance

Empirical Corporate Finance (ECF)


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Finance > Finance > 2º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Optativas > Optional Course 2 > Empirical Corporate Finance


2º Ciclo (M)


Não Estruturante



Carga Horária

Aula Teórica (T): 0.0 h/semana

Aula TeoricoPrática (TP): 3.0 h/semana

Trabalho Autónomo: 121.0 h/semestre

Créditos ECTS: 6.0


To understand the basic concepts of empirical academic research in Finance, with a special focus in the case
of corporate finance.
To be able to collect data from the main financial databases(Bloomberg, Reuters, Amadeus, amongst others).
To know how to transform that data in order for it to be used in research, in particular using software like STATA for econometrics purposes.
To apply, in the field of corporate finance, the concepts and fundamentals of econometrics learned previously, understanding how to program in these cases.
To have first hand contact with some of the research currently being developed at ISEG in areas related to corporate finance, based on presentationsof papers, cases articles


1.Introduction: The main research themes in Corporate Finance
2.Overview of Empirical Academic Research in Finance, in particular in Corporate Finance
3.Collecting and Managing Financial Data
3.1.Collect data from the main databases (Bloomberg, Reuters, Amadeus, amongst others).
3.2.Data organization to be used in an econometric package.
3.3.Merging data from different datasets.
4.Introduction to Financial Data Analysis using a statistical package
4.1.Descriptive statistics.
4.2.Graphic manipulation.
4.3.Aplications in Corporate Finance (Examples: articles on corporate financial policy, taxation, public private partnerships, project finance, etc.).
5.Research Cases in Corporate Finance
5.1.?Classical? research problems in corporate finance, identifying the situations in which different models should be adopted and how to estimate them.(Examples: OLS/GLM; Panel data regression; Probit/Logit; Ordered probit; Multinomial logit; Duration models; Endogeneity concerns).
5.2. Aplications in Corporate Finance (Examples: articles on corporate financial policiy, taxation, public private partnerships, identifying the different models to estimate and how to program

Metodologia de avaliação

Two individual short research notes (each 50% final grade), about two topics chosen each year by the course instructors.



Microeconometrics using stata

Cameron, A. C., & Trivedi, P. K.


(Vol. 2). College Station, TX: Stata press.

Taxes and Corporate Finance: A Review

Graham, J. R.


Review of Financial Studies, Vol. 16, pp. 1074‐1128

A Review of Taxes and Corporate Finance

Graham, J. R.


Foundations and Trends in Finance, Vol. 1 No. 7, pp. 573?691.

Research in accounting for income taxes

Graham, J. R., Raedy, J. S. and Shackelford, D. A.


Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 53 No. 1-­2, pp. 412-‐434.

A review of tax research

Hanlon, M. and Heitzman, S.


Journal of Accounting and Economics, Vol. 50, pp. 127-­178.


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