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ISEG  >  Estrutura  >  Unidades Académicas  >  Gestão  >  Unidades Curriculares  >  Accounting Information Systems

Accounting Information Systems (AIS-MACC)


AC Gestão > UC Mestrados

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Accounting > Accounting > 2º Ciclo > Unidades Curriculares Optativas > Accounting Information Systems


2º Ciclo (M)


Não Estruturante



Carga Horária

Aula Teórica (T): 0.0 h/semana

Aula TeoricoPrática (TP): 3.0 h/semana

Trabalho Autónomo: 121.0 h/semestre

Créditos ECTS: 6.0


Understand the contribution of Information Systems to the accounting process
Know how to select the right IT solutions depending on the circumstances
Learn how to access data in relational databases
Know how to analyze accounting data through Business Intelligence tools


An Overview on Accounting Information Systems
Requirements Analysis
Systems Analysis and Design
Information Systems Security and Business Continuity
The Relational Database Model Implementation and Access
Business Intelligence

Metodologia de avaliação

Practical classes for exploring some techniques of data access and data analysis.
Continuous assessment consists of a group presentation with 40% weight and a written test with a weighting of 60%.
Students who do not pass the continuous assessment will be able to take a final exam. In this case, the final exam will be weighted 100% for the final classification.



Accounting Information Systems

Marshall B. Romney, Paul John Steinbart


Global Edition, 14th Edition, Pearson Higher Ed USA, ISBN 9781292220086


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