Aplicações em Sócio-Economia (2 º Sem 2010/2011)




  • Lequiller F., Blades D. , "Understanding National Accounts", Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris (France), 2006
  • Keuning S., Ruijter W. , "Guidelines to the construction of a Social Accounting Matrix", Review of Income and Wealth 34, 1988
  • Pyatt G. , "A SAM Approach to Modeling", Journal of Policy Modeling 10, 1988
  • Pyatt G., Round J. , "Accounting and Fixed Price Multipliers in a Social Accounting Matrix Framework", in Pyatt G., Round, J. (eds.) Social Accounting Matrices. A Basis for Planning (A World Bank Symposium), The World Bank, Washington, D.C, 1985
  • Santos S. , "O que é e como se constrói uma matriz de Contabilidade Social. Aplicação a Portugal em 1990", Revista Estudos de Economia 15(2), 1995
  • Santos S. , "Better policy analysis with better data. Constructing a Social Accounting Matrix from the European System of National Accounts", Working Paper No. 22/2006/Departmento de Economia (DE) /Unidade de Estudos sobre a Complexidade e Economia (UECE), Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, Lisboa , 2006
  • Santos S. , "From the SNA to a SAM-based Model. An Application to Portugal", Edições Almedina, Coimbra, Portugal , 2009


  • Eurostat, "European System of Accounts (ESA 95)", Eurostat, Luxembourg, 1996
  • Inter-Secretariat Working Group on National Accounts - ISWGNA , "System of National Accounts (1993 and 2008 SNA)", United Nations Statistics Division and the United Nations regional commissions, New York; International Monetary Fund - IMF, Washington, DC; World Bank, Washington, DC; Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD, Paris; Statistical Office of the European Communities - Eurostat, Brussels/Luxembourg. , 1993 and 2008
  • Keuning S. , "Interaction between National Accounts and socio-economic policy", The Review of Income and Wealth 44(39, 1998
  • Pyatt G., Roe A. , "Social Accounting for Development Planning with special reference to Sri Lanka", Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (U.K.), 1977
  • Round J. , "Constructing SAMs for Development Policy Analysis: Lessons Learned and Challenges Ahead", Economic Systems Research 15, 1995
  • Santos S. , "Modelização da Matriz de Contabilidade Social. Aplicação a Portugal em 1990", Estudos de Economia 19, 2002
  • Santos S. , "Portuguese net borrowing and the government budget balance. A SAM approach", Journal of Policy Modeling 26, 2004
  • Santos S. , "Modelling Economic Circuit Flows in a Social Accounting Matrix Framework. An Application to Portugal", Applied Economics 39, 2007
  • Santos S., "Using a SAM-Based Model to measure the distributional impacts of government policies" , Working Paper No. 31/2009/Departamento de Economia (DE) /Unidade de Estudos sobre a Complexidade em Economia (UECE) - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão ISEG-UTL, Lisboa; WPIOX (Working Papers in Input-Output Economics) 09-010/International Input-Output Association, 2009
  • Santos S., "A quantitative approach to the effects of social policy measures. An application to Portugal, using Social Accounting Matrices", MPRA (Munich Personal RePEc Archive) Paper No. 23676; EERI (Economics and Econometrics Research Institute) RP (Research Papers) 2010/33, 2010