Experimental Economics (2 º Sem 2018/2019)


Linhas Programáticas

Part I: Introduction and Methodology

1.Introduction to Experimental Economics
1.1.Brief history of Experimental Economics
1.2.Strengthens and weaknesses of the experimental method
1.3.Experimental Economics and the ?others?:
1.3.1.Experimental Economics vs Behavioral Economics
1.3.2.Experimental Economics vs Econometrics
2.Types of Economic Experiments
2.1.Lab experiments
2.2.Field experiments
2.3.Natural experiments
2.4.Internet experiments
3.Experimental Design and Procedures
3.1.Incentives and control over preferences
3.2.Treatments, controls, sessions
3.3.Between and within subjects? design
3.4.One shot vs. repeated interaction
3.5.Role reversal
3.6.Partners vs strangers
3.7.Elicitation of beliefs
3.8.The strategy and direct methods of elicitation
4.Experimental Data analysis
4.1.The beauty of randomization
4.2.Non-parametric statistics

Part II: Experiments/Applications
5.The double auction market: excise taxes and price control
6.Market Failure Due to "Unraveling": Lemons and Matching Markets experiments
7.Post offer markets and market power
8.A Voluntary contribution to a public good
9.A Volunteer dilemma
10.Bargaining ultimatum game
11.Principal-agent games: a labor market experiment and a trust game
12.Risk elicitation preferences in the lab
13.New applications: experiments in macroeconomics