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ISEG  >  Ciências Sociais  >  ANTÓNIO GOUCHA SOARES


      1. EDUCATION

    - Ph.D. in Law, European University Institute, Firenze, 1996.

    - LL. M. (Laws Master), EUI, Firenze, 1988.

    - Post-graduate, College of Europe, Brugge, 1987.

    - Degree in Law, Universidade de Lisboa, 1985.



    - Professor, ISEG-Lisbon School of Economics & Management, since 2012.

    - Associate Professor, ISEG, 2003-2011.

    - Jean Monnet Chair Professor of European Law, ISEG, since 2000.

    - Assistant Professor, ISEG, 1999-2003.



    - Professor at Study Abroad in Lisbon, ISEG/UMass-Dartmouth, 2001-2013.

    - Visiting Professor, Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Maputo, Mozambique, 2007.

    - Visiting Professor, Mestrado em Novas Fronteiras do Direito, ISCTE, Lisboa, 2004-2007.

    - Visiting Professor, Brown University, Providence-RI, 2003.

    - Visiting Fellow, Law Department & Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, EUI, Firenze, 2000.

    - Michael Teague Visiting Professor, Brown University, Providence-RI, 1999.

    - Assistant Professor (Adjunct), Faculdade de Economia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FE-UNL), 1996-1999.

    - Visting Professor, Mestrado em Estudos Europeus, Universidade Católica Portuguesa (IEE-UCP), Lisboa, 1996-1998.

    - Teaching Assistant (Adjunct), FE-UNL, 1989-1992.



    - Member of ISEG School Board, 2017-2022.

    - Head of Department, ISEG, 2012-2014.

    - Coordinator of the Law Area, ISEG, since 2010.

    - Deputy Dean of ISEG Scientific Board, 2007-2009.

    - Member of ISEG Statutory Assembly, 2009.

    - Head of Department, ISEG, 2005-06.

    - Chair of ISEG Assembly of Representatives, 2006.

    - Member of ISEG Scientific Board, 2003-2009.

    - Member of ISEG Assembly of Representatives, 2001-2008.

    - Co-organizer of the Summer Study Abroad Program in Lisbon, ISEG/University Massachusetts-Dartmouth, Lisboa, 2001-2013.

    - Member of the Executive Board, Department of Social Sciences, ISEG, since 1999.

    - Coordinator of the Law Unit, ISEG, 1999-2009.