Corporate Finance (1 º Sem 2015/2016)


Publicar Publicado em 08-02-2016

Publicação de Notas

The grades of the exam of February 5th have been posted. Students interested in asking for revision of their exams, may do so on Thursday February 11th, between 10:00 and 11:00, in Room 616, Rua Miguel Lupi, 20. Keep in mind that asking for revision may result in an increase, a no change, or a decrease in the final grade.

Canal: Corporate Finance -

Publicar Publicado em 04-02-2016

Instructions and Information for the Exam of February 5th

The Corporate Finance students who are taking the exam on February 5th at 09:00 should follow these instructions and read the information that follows:

1. Arrive before 08:45 at Room 214  (floor 2, Building Francesinhas I).

2. Wait in silence to be called by a faculty member to take a seat in the exam room.

3. Bring: a valid ID card with a photo, pens, and a calculator.

4. It is not alowed to bring any other electronic devices (such as a mobile phone).

5. The formulary is provided by the invigilators during the test. It is the sum of the two formularies available in the course unit's webpage (formulary for the mid-term test and formulary for the "epoca normal" test).

6. The exam covers all the material of the syllabus that we followed during the  semester. The structure of the exam is similar to the structure of the previous tests: 6 questions of multiple choice, plus 4 questions (7,8,9 and 10) in which students show all their computations and explain their answers. Out of these longer questions (7 to 10) the ones that are worth more points (5 points each) are questions 8 and 9, which cover, respectively, the topics of financial statement analysis, and investment decision criteria.

Canal: Corporate Finance - Autor: CLARA PATRICIA COSTA RAPOSO - Modificado em 04-02-2016 -

Publicar Publicado em 29-01-2016

Publicação de Notas

The grades of the exam of January 19th and the final grades are now available in section "Grades" of the course unit's webpage. Guidelines to solutions are also available in section "Exam 19 Jan 2016". Students who wish to ask for revision of their exams may do so on Tuesday, February 2nd, between 2:30pm and 3:30pm, in room 112, ISEG building at Rua Miguel Lupi, 20. PS - Please keep in mind that asking for revision of your exam can imply no change, increase, or decrease of the final grade.

Canal: Corporate Finance -

Publicar Publicado em 17-01-2016

Instructions for the Exam of January 19th

The Corporate Finance students who are taking the test on January 19th at 09:00 should follow these instructions:

1. Arrive before 08:45 at Anfiteatro 1 (Building Francesinhas I).

2. Wait in silence to be called by a faculty member to take a sit in the exam room.

3. Bring: a valid ID card with a photo, pens, and a calculator.

4. It is not alowed to bring any other electronic devices (such as a mobile phone).

The formulary is provided by the invigilators during the test.

Canal: Corporate Finance - Autor: CLARA PATRICIA COSTA RAPOSO -

Publicar Publicado em 11-01-2016

Instructions regarding the exam

Dear Students,

- The formulary for the final exam is posted on aquila covering the second part of the course. It will be provided to you at the exam.

- Topics covered in the final exam will be those not tested on the midterm. Those include the following chapters from the book  BDH: 8,9,10,11,12,13,18; the following class notes and powerpoint slides: sessions 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14 ; and the following problem sets:  4,5,6.

- There will be posted information on aquila about allowed materials and rooms for the final exam;

- It is now available your grades regarding the continuous assessment.

Excellent 2016 and study hard

tiago gonçalves

Canal: Corporate Finance - Autor: ALCINO TIAGO CRUZ GONÇALVES -

Publicar Publicado em 04-12-2015

Quiz next week, 11th December

Dear Students,

As an additional element for your continuous assessment grade, you will be required to answer a multiple choice questions' quiz next friday, 11 th december. It will last 10 min and test you on all the chapters regarding Project evaluation and criteria as well as Free cash flows. The quiz will be closed book.

Have a nice Weekend,

tiago goncalves

Canal: Corporate Finance - Autor: ALCINO TIAGO CRUZ GONÇALVES -