Corporate Finance (1 º Sem 2015/2016)


Método de Avaliação

There are 2 choices in terms of grading:

(1) Continuous Evaluation Regime

In this regime, students are graded based on:

  1. a)  Class Participation and Assignments solved during the term (30%,

    of which 15% will be individual assignments and 15% from group


  2. b)  Midterm covering the first part of the course


  3. c)  Final Exam (Normal call) covering the second part of the course


1. During the term, students will have to write answers to pop-quizzes, either

during lectures or practical classes, to access part a) of grading.
2. The Continuous Evaluation Regime applies only to students that achieve a

minimum grade of 7.5 (out of 20) in both the Midterm and the Final Exam.

(2) Final Exam (Second Call)

In this regime, students are required to answer a final exam covering all the topics.