Lévy processes and applications (1 º Sem 2019/2020)
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Board: Processos de Lévy e Aplicações -
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Board: Processos de Lévy e Aplicações -
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Board: Processos de Lévy e Aplicações -
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Board: Processos de Lévy e Aplicações -
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Publicação de Notas
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Board: Processos de Lévy e Aplicações -
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Delivery of the report on the Team Project today - December 9, by e-mail
Dear Students,
The final date for delivery (by e-mail) of the report on the team project is today (December 9). Please send me the report by email until 23:59 of today.
Next thursday (in class) you should also give me a paper printed copy of the report.
About the presentations of the reports in class, the schedule is as follows:
Thursday, December 12 (14:00-16:00)
1) Project on the Variance-Gamma model
2) Project on the CGMY model
3) Projecto on Stochastic Volatility models
Friday, December 13 (10:00-12:30)
4) Project on the Meixner model
5) Project on the Normal Inverse Gaussian (NIG) model
You should present your reports in 20 minutes, and then there will be a period for questions of 10-15 minutes.
Best regards,
Joao Guerra
Board: Processos de Lévy e Aplicações - Author: JOÃO MIGUEL ESPIGUINHA GUERRA -