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    Publications in Conferences' Proceedings


    - Pinheiro, J.M, Preto, M.T., Lages, L.F., & Silva, G.M. "Knowledge creation, turbulence, and manufacturing flexibility roles in business performance and operations performance.KMC 2016 - Knowledge Management, Learning, Information Technology. International Institute for Applied Knowledge Management, Proceedings - KM Conference 2016, pp. 16-28 , Lisboa, Portugal, June 22-25, 2016.

    - Firmo, C., & Silva, G. M. "Práticas e orientação para a sustentabilidade como antecedentes da performance sustentável", II Simpósio Internacional de Gestão de Projetos (II Singep) e I Simpósio Internacional de Inovação e Sustentabilidade
    (I S2IS), São Paulo, 7 e 8 de novembro 2013

    Publications in International Refereed Journals


    1.      Ferreira, A., Silva, G.M., & Dias, A. (2021-online version). Determinants of continuance intention to use mobile self-scanning applications in retail, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management . Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. DOI 10.1108/IJQRM-02-2021-0032.





    2.      Pinheiro, J.M, Lages, L.F., Silva, G.M., Dias, A., & Preto, M.T. (2021- Online Version) Effects of Absorptive Capacity and Innovation Spillover on Manufacturing Flexibility. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. DOI: 10.1108/IJPPM-04-2020-0156.


    3.      Dias, A., Silva, G.M, Patuleia, M. & González-Rodríguez, M.R. (2020- Published online October 2020). Developing sustainable business models: Local knowledge acquisition and tourism lifestyle entrepreneurship. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. DOI: 10.1080/09669582.2020.1835931.


    4.      Dias, A. & Silva, G.M. (2021). Willingness to Stay of Tourism Lifestyle Entrepreneurs: A Configurational Perspective. Sustainability, 13(24),  13519 13519.


    5.      Silva, G.M., Gomes, P.J., Carvalho, H. & Geraldes, V. (2021). Sustainable Development in SMEs: The Role of Entrepreneurial Orientation in Supply Chain Management. Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(8), 3804-3820. DOI: 10.1002/BSE.2841.


    6.      Dias, A. & Silva, G.M., (2021). Lifestyle Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Rural Areas. The Case of Tourism Entrepreneurs. Journal of Small Business Strategy, 31(4), 40-49. DOI: 10.53703/001C.29474.


    7.      Pereira, V., Silva, G.M., Dias, A. (2021) Sustainability Practices in Hospitality: Case study of a luxury hotel in Arrábida Natural Park. Sustainability, 13(6), 31-64. DOI: 10.3390/SU13063164.


    8.      Dias, A., Silva, G.M., Patuleia, M. & González-Rodríguez, M.R. (2021). Transforming local knowledge into lifestyle entrepreneur’s innovativeness: Exploring the linear and quadratic relationships. Current Issues in Tourism, 24(22), 3222–3238 DOI: 10.1080/13683500.2020.1865288.


    9.      Pinheiro, J.M, Lages, L.F., Dias, A., Silva, G.M. & Preto, M.T. (2021- online version). Innovation Reliability and Variability Strategies: The Importance of Absorptive Capacity on Systemic Outcomes. International Journal of Knowledge-Based Development, 11(4), 308-337.



    10.  Pinheiro, J.M, Silva, G.M., Dias, A., Lages, L.F., & Preto, M.T. (2020). Fostering Knowledge Creation to Improve Performance: the Mediation Role of Manufacturing Flexibility. Business Process Management Journal, 26(7), 1871-1892.











    11.  Silva, G.M., Coelho, L.F., Lages, C. R., & Reis, M. (2020). Employee Adaptive and Proactive Service Recovery: A Configurational Perspective. European Journal of Marketing, 54(7), 1581-1607.


    12.  Gomes, P.J., Silva, G.M., & Sarkis, J. (2020). Exploring the Relationship between Quality Ambidexterity and Sustainable Production. International Journal of Production Economics, 224(June), 107-560.


    13.  Jahanmir, S. F., Silva, G.M., Gomes, P. & Gonçalves, H.M. (2020). Determinants of users’ continuance intention towards digital innovations: Are late adopters different?. Journal of Business Research, 115(July), 225-233.


    14.  Silva, G.M., Gomes, P.J. & Sarkis, J. (2019). The Role of Innovation in the Implementation of Green Supply Chain Management Practices. Business Strategy and the Environment, 28 (5), 819-832.


    15.  Crespo, N., Rodrigues, R., Samagaio, A., & Silva, G.M. (2019). The Adoption of Management Control Systems by Start-Ups: Internal Factors and Context as Determinants. Journal of Business Research, 101 (August 2019), 875-884.


    16.   Silva, G.M., Gomes, P.J., & Lages, L.F (2019). Does Importer Involvement Contribute to Product Innovation? The Role of Export Market Factors and Intra-Firm Coordination. Industrial Marketing Management, 78 (April), 169-182.


    17.   Gomes, P.J. & Silva, G.M. (2018). The Value of Supply Network for Product Innovation. IEEE Engineering Management Review, 46(4), 36-45. DOI: 10.1109/EMR.2018.2883617.


    18.   Gonçalves, H.M, Silva, G.M., & Martins, T.G. (2018). Motivations for posting online reviews in the hotel industry. Psychology & Marketing, 35(11), 807-817.



    19.   Gupta, M., Uz, I., Esmaeilzadeh, P, Noboa,F., Mahrous, A.A., Kim, K., Silva, G.M., Tennant, V. M., Chung, S., Azam, A.,  Peters, A.,  Iraj, H., Bautista, V.B, & Kulikova, I. (2018). Do cultural norms affect social network behavior inappropriateness? A global study. Journal of Business Research, 85(April), 10-22.


    20.  Afonso, C., Silva, G.M., Gonçalves, H.M., & Duarte, M. (2018). The role of motivations and involvement in wine tourists' intention to return: SEM and fsQCA ndings. Journal of Business Research, 89 (August), 313-321.


    21.  Silva, G.M., Styles, C., & Lages, L.F. (2017). Breakthrough innovation in international business: The impact of tech-innovation and market-innovation on performance. International Business Review, 26(2), 391-404.


    22.  Silva, G.M. & Gonçalves, H.M. (2016). Causal recipes for customer loyalty to travel agencies: Differences between online and offline customers. Journal of Business Research, 69(11), 5512-5518.


    23.  Gonçalves, H. M., Lourenço, T. F., & Silva, G.M. (2016). Green buying behavior and the theory of consumption values: A fuzzy-set approach. Journal of Business Research, 69(4), 1484-1481.


    24.  Silva, G.M., Gomes, P.J., Lages, L.F., & Pereira, Z.L. (2014). The Role of TQM in Strategic Product Innovation:  An Empirical Assessment. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 34(10), 1307-1337.


    25.  Lages, L. F., Silva, G.M., & Styles, C. (2009). Relationship capabilities, quality, and innovation as determinants of export performance. Journal of International Marketing, 17(4), 47-70.


    26.  Lages, L. F., Silva, G.M., Styles, C., & Pereira, Z.L. (2009). The NEP scale: A measure of network export performance. International Business Review, 18(4), 344-356.


    27.  Mathews, B.P., Ueno, A., Pereira, Z.L., Silva, G., Kekale, T., & Repka, M. (2001). Quality Training: Findings from a European Survey. The TQM Magazine, 13(1), 61-68.  (currently The TQM Journal)


    28.  Mathews, B.P., Ueno, A., Kekale, T., Repka, M., Pereira, Z.L., & Silva, G. (2001). European Quality Management Practices: the impact of national culture. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 18(7), 692-707. DOI: 10.1108/EUM0000000005776.



    29.  Mathews, B. P., Ueno, A., Kekale, T., Repka, M., Pereira, Z. L., & Silva, G. (2001). Quality training: Needs and evaluation-findings from a European survey. Total Quality Management, 12(4), 483-490. (currentlyTotal Quality Management & Business Excellence)