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GHES   GHES   Membros   Membros Colaboradores   Claudio Marsilio

Claudio Marsilio


     Claudio Marsilio




    Education and qualifications


    ·       Graduated in History at the University of Genoa (Italy)

    ·       Ph. D in Economic and Social History at the Bocconi University of Milan (Italy)

    ·     Postdoctoral Fellowship - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) at Gabinete de História Económica e Social (GHES) - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG) of the Universidade de Lisboa (Lisbon - Portugal)

    ·     Qualifications: (2016) Spanish National scientific qualification (ANECA) to function as professor (profesor de universidad privada, profesor ayudante doctor, profesor contratado doctor); (2014) Italian National scientific qualification to function as associate professor in Italian Universities. Scientific field: Modern History and Economic History – Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR)

    Current Scientific/Professional Activity


    Researcher at the Gabinete de História Económica e Social (GHES)/CSG -Research in Social Sciences and Management - Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG) of the University of Lisbon (Portugal)


    Research interests and Project

    His research combines the study of original documents - both from private and public archives. His work is based on some specific topics related to economic and financial history, covering three major areas:

    ·         The role of the Genoese financial operators in connection with the emerging European financial markets (16th- 17th centuries)

    ·         The International exchange market and the mechanisms of international monetary compensation

    ·         The redistribution of the Spanish bullion in Europe (1620s-1690s)

    ·         The history of the earliest banks in Europe (15th-18th centuries)

    He has also taken active part (as invited researcher) in many International collective research projects in Italy (University of Genoa, Palermo, and Parma), Spain (Complutense University), France (University of Lyon), and Germany (University of Erfurt and Leipzig). In the period 2021-2023 he will involved in the project CoMOR - Configurations of European Fairs. Merchants, Objects, Routes (1350-1630) financed by the Franco-German Call in Humanities and Social Sciences.


    Key Publications


    A 'workless paradise'. The Genoese Exchange fairs (16th-17th centuries), in L. Brunori – X. Prévost – S. Dauchy – O. Descamps (eds.), Le Droit face à l’économie sans travail, Tome II, L’approche internationale, Paris, 2020, pp. 67-79.


    Exchange fairs and the International credit market. The Genoese financial operators’ professional skills (XVII century), in “Storia Economica”, 21/2 (2019), pp. 275-292.


    Exchange fairs and the Money Market in Early Modern Italy (1630-1650) - Fiere di cambio e mercato monetario nell'Italia di età moderna (1630-1650), Novi Ligure, Città del Silenzio (ISBN 978-88-97273-42-4).

    The Italian Exchange Fairs and the International Payment System (XVI-XVII Centuries), in M. A. Denzel (ed.), Europäische Messegeschichte 9.-19. Jahrhundert, Köln, 2018, pp. 169-180.


    El ahorro en perspectiva histórica. Una herramienta para el progreso de las personas y de la sociedad, Madrid: Mapfre Seguros, 2016, ISBN: 978-84-9844-622-7.


    The Genoese exchange fairs and the Bank of Amsterdam: Comparing two Financial Institutions of the 17th century, in “História Econômica & História de Empresas”, 18/1 (2015), pp. 39-59.

    Which way to turn? The destinations of the Spanish silver (1621-1650): London, Lisbon, or Genoa, in “Annales Mercaturae. Jahrbuch für internationale Handelsgeschichte / Yearbook for the History of International Trade and Commerce”, 1 (2015), pp. 9-35.


    "O dinheiro morreu. Paz à sua alma danada”. Gli operatori finanziari del XVII secolo tra investimenti e speculazioni, Palermo: Associazione Mediterranea, 2012, ISBN: 978-88-96661-16-1.

    The Genoese and Portuguese Financial Operators’ Control of the Spanish Silver Market (1627-1657), in “Journal of European Economic History”, XLI/3 (2012), pp. 67-89.


    Four times a year for so many years. The Italian Exchange Fairs during the XVIth-XVIIth Centuries: Comparing Financial Institutions, in “Bankhistorisches Archiv - Banking and Finance in Historical Perspective”, 36/2 (2010), pp. 151-165.


    Dove il denaro fa denaro. Gli operatori finanziari genovesi nelle fiere di cambio del XVII secolo, Novi Ligure (AL): Città del silenzio edizioni, 2008, ISBN: 88-902359-7-7.